
Last updated December 2021

This disclaimer (together with our Terms of Use, and our Privacy Policy) sets out important information about the scope of Credit Simple’s services, available on the Credit Simple Website at https://www.creditsimple.com.au and via the Credit Simple App that is available for download from the Apple or GooglePlay app stores. The capitalised terms in this disclaimer are as defined in the Terms of Use..

Information on Credit Simple is for general information purposes only

While we have endeavoured to ensure that the information available on Credit Simple is free from error, to the extent permitted by law, we do not warrant its accuracy, adequacy, timeliness or completeness or that it is suitable for your intended use. All information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be relied on to make any decisions.

You use Credit Simple and apply for any offers featured on Credit Simple at your own risk.

To the extent permitted by law, Credit Simple accepts no liability for your access to Credit Simple or any action you take arising from material or information on Credit Simple.

Information on Credit Simple is not advice

Credit Simple does not provide personalised financial, financial planning, legal or tax advice. In providing you with information, we can share content and offers based on the Personal Information which you have agreed to share with us in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your preference settings. This includes your Personal Credit Information which you have agreed for us to utilise to present relevant offers to you.

In presenting offers to you, we don’t consider your personal financial situation (income, expenses, or life needs) or personal goals or objectives.

Our relationship with providers

When you click on links to offers on Credit Simple or on emails that you may receive from Credit Simple (based on your preference settings to receive offers through email), you will be directed to the website of your chosen offer partner. Credit Simple may receive a commission or referral fee for each referral to an offer partner’s website and for displaying an offer.

If you choose to take up an offer, it is the offer provider (not us) who would assess your application and decide whether or not to approve it. Credit Simple does not act as an agent of the provider. If there’s an issue with a good or service, you’ll have to contact the offer provider.

Credit Simple works with its providers to keep offers up to date. Credit Simple does not warrant the accuracy or completeness or currency of any offer. Offers are presented on an “as is” basis.

We can’t guarantee you will be approved for any advertised offer, and we don’t show you all offers available to you in the Australian market.

Your banking information

If you use Money Simple on Credit Simple, the information that you access is accessed by or on behalf of Credit Simple from the banks that you choose to add to your Money Simple account. Credit Simple does not verify that information or its accuracy. In addition, in general, Credit Simple will only access and update information from your chosen Banks once each day (for accounts that do not require multi-factor authentication) even if you do not log into your Credit Simple account on the Credit Simple Website or Credit Simple App.

If your accounts require multi-factor authentication, Credit Simple only supports these accounts on the Credit Simple Website (they are not supported in the Credit Simple App), this means the information is updated from your chosen Banks once only after you authenticate yourself on the Credit Simple Website using the individual authentication requirement of the Bank. Accordingly, the information that you access using Money Simple may not include your most recent transactions as only those captured from last update will be available.


Credit Simple takes the security of your information seriously. However, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that Credit Simple’s services or the transmission of data over the internet will be 100% secure or uninterrupted.