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Lazy man yawning on couch
Why you should aim to be a ‘deadbeat’ – at least when it comes to your credit card

Are you a deadbeat? When it comes to credit cards, that’s actually a good thing. Yep, a ‘deadbeat’ is a term for someone who pays off their credit card in full and on time every month. Why a deadbeat? Well, if you pay off your card each month, the credit card company doesn’t charge you interest  –  so they won’t make any money off you. (Credit card companies also use the much more polite terms ‘non-revolver’ and ‘transactor’.) A whopping…

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The right way to apply for a credit card

If you’ve thought long and hard about your need to get a credit card, and have narrowed down your options after an exhaustive comparison of rates, fees and perks, then the next step in the process of getting a credit card is to actually apply for one. Nowadays, most card providers let you do all this online, but applying for a credit card isn’t as easy as ticking a box. It can be a bit of a process, involving photo…

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Lazy man yawning on couch
Why you should aim to be a ‘deadbeat’ – at least when it comes to your credit card

Are you a deadbeat? When it comes to credit cards, that’s actually a good thing. Yep, a ‘deadbeat’ is a term for someone who pays off their credit card in full and on time every month. Why a deadbeat? Well, if you pay off your card each month, the credit card company doesn’t charge you interest  –  so they won’t make any money off you. (Credit card companies also use the much more polite terms ‘non-revolver’ and ‘transactor’.) A whopping…

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