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Man with 'lightbulb' moment
Tap into the sharing economy and rent your way to success

Are you a part of the sharing economy yet? If you’ve used Uber or Airbnb, then you’re part of it. But there’s plenty of other sharing businesses springing up, and one that we think looks especially interesting is the renting business. The internet has made it ridiculously easy to rent your stuff and get paid for it*. Take Rentoid, as an example. It’s kind of like eBay, with one crucial difference: the stuff in the listing isn’t for sale, its…

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Top tips for renters
Top tips for new renters: Eight things to know before you apply

Getting your first rental is a rite of passage into the big wide world. You’ll have lots of fun times nesting in your own space. But there’s a lot to learn to make it a great experience. 1. Be prepared to wear out your shoe leather. You may need to sign up with several local rental agencies and keep a hawk eye out online until you find the one – and get accepted. Before signing the tenancy agreement ask yourself:…

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