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This could be the secret to better budgeting

If you’ve never had a budget, or if you’ve tried and given up on one before, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Visions of complicated spreadsheets and living on nothing but 2 minute noodles make the idea seem at best, snore-inducing and at worst, overly restrictive. But the truth is it takes very little effort to get a basic system in place. This is great news, as it can mean the difference between major savings and none at all.…

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Choosing a rewards credit card that’s right for you

Rewards credit card programs have exploded in recent years, offering everything from flights to merchandise to cash in your pocket. With so many options, it’s important to choose a rewards card that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Here’s how. What is a rewards credit card? Rewards credit cards typically work by letting you accumulate a certain number of “points” for every dollar you spend and you can later redeem these points for valuable goods and services like flights, household items…

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What are neobanks and how are they different?

The term ‘neobank’ refers to a new crop of financial institutions that has been sprouting up throughout Australia and the rest of the world since at least 2017. What makes these banks different from traditional banks is that they have been reimagined from the ground up with a purely digital focus – to run seamlessly through an app and with no branches anywhere in sight. What are the benefits of using a neobank? The outside-the-box thinking common to neobanks offers…

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7 ways to save money this holiday season

Here are a few tips to help you ring in the new decade with as little debt as possible. 1. Reconsider whom you need to shop for At different points in our lives, it makes sense to shop for certain people and not for others. For example, when our nieces and nephews are young, gifts are appropriate but when they’re adults, maybe a heartfelt card is enough. Go through your list and decide whom you really need to shop for…

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The right way to apply for a credit card

If you’ve thought long and hard about your need to get a credit card, and have narrowed down your options after an exhaustive comparison of rates, fees and perks, then the next step in the process of getting a credit card is to actually apply for one. Nowadays, most card providers let you do all this online, but applying for a credit card isn’t as easy as ticking a box. It can be a bit of a process, involving photo…

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How to enjoy a low-spend long weekend

As the long weekend kicks off, it can be all too easy to fill your time with fun and frivolous spending. But before you know it, Monday night rolls around and your bank balance is looking more than a little depleted. Luckily, it doesn’t take much to reset your default setting from ‘spend’ to ‘save’ for a few days, and the savings can be pretty significant. Read on for our tips to boost your savings in just a few days.…

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How to: be more disciplined with credit cards

If you’re considering opening a new credit card, you may worry you’ll overspend and get yourself into trouble. And understandably so – the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that the average household debt in Australia is $168,600, and the most common form of debt is credit card debt. So how can you use a credit card responsibly? Let’s look at the best ways to stay disciplined. Think of your credit card as a debit card A great way to stay…

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Four saving strategies for spring and summer

As the winter months come to an end in Australia, you’re probably antsy to get out in the warmer weather. But getting out more could also mean increased spending. If you’re trying to figure out how to save this spring and summer, easy ways to get a boost include sticking to a budget, using credit card rewards, having social functions at home and saving on energy costs. 1. Stick to a budget Sticking to a budget is easier said than…

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