Credit Simple

Credit Simple
How to make your mortgage work better (and harder) for you

For most of us, there’s nothing we spend more on each month than our mortgage. So there’s never a month where it’s not worth asking: “Could I be doing better? Could I be getting closer to paying it off? Could I be paying a bit less in interest?” Here are our top tips for making sure you’re putting the least in and getting the most out. Push your bank a bit harder It’s always worth bearing in mind that banks…

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Mortgage Help: How to refinance your home loan

A mortgage can easily end up costing you thousands more than it needs to, maybe tens of thousands, if you’re not always looking for the best deal. Sometimes you can do better by refinancing to a mortgage with a lower interest rate. But it’s not something you want to be doing without some careful preparation and homework. What do you need, and what will it cost you to change? Before you start refinancing, find out exactly how much you need…

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Help! Nothing has changed on my credit file, but my score has changed. Why?

So your credit score has changed, but you can’t see anything immediately obvious on your credit history to indicate why it’s different? There are a few reasons why your credit score can change, even though it doesn’t look like anything has changed on your credit history. Some of the reasons why your credit score may change are: Data is only held on your credit file for a certain amount of time, something that is decided by privacy laws. A default…

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How your credit score affects the interest rates you pay: Welcome to the brave new world of risk-based pricing

Watch out! Your credit score could soon affect the interest rate you pay. That’s good if you’re a “unicorn” with a credit score from 801 to 1,000, and not bad if you’re a “thoroughbred” with a score of 601 to 800. If, however, you’re a credit “donkey” at the very bottom of the credit score pile, a credit pony at 201 to 400, or a farm horse from 401 to 600 you could well pay more. Why “donkeys” pay more…

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Comprehensive Credit Reporting – what’s changing (and how it may affect you)

You might’ve heard talk about Comprehensive Credit Reporting being a ‘thing’ in Australia. It sounds complicated (and let’s face it, probably a bit boring). So what is it, and how could  it affect you? And how can you get the most out of it so that you may be able to keep more money in your own pocket? Comprehensive Credit Reporting  –  what it is and how it works Credit reporting used to be about people doing ‘bad’ things (such…

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5 hobbies you don’t have to spend a fortune on

Everyone wants to go fishing without spending money in Australia, right? But how do you manage that? You need fishing rods and tackle, a boat (or a lucky spot on the coast) and bait. If you’re new to the game, you’ll have to invest in the equipment, and that expense can really add up. Taking up a new hobby on a budget in Australia is possible, but it requires forethought. We all want to try new things (golfing, fishing, off-roading)…

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How do I get a clear score for credit applications in Australia?

Have you ever forgotten to pay a mobile phone bill? Perhaps one of your credit card payments was a little late? These may seem like minor issues, but they can leave a lasting black mark on your credit history that may affect your access to lending. Working your way towards a better credit rating can improve your financial situation, but what helps you get a clear score for credit in Australia? What does a ‘clear score’ even mean? Credit defaults…

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Are you off your trolley? You could be, with our sneaky supermarket savers

Are you off your trolley? You could be if your supermarket bill is creeping over $50 per person for a family. There are so many sneaky tricks to save money on food. You might even find that you’re healthier and happier when you buy more basic food. Don’t say it can’t be done. If your bill is out of control, try some of these tips. Budget. Start with a figure that you want to spend on food each week and…

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Credit score FAQ: What are the benefits of a clear score?

Your credit score is a bit like a heart rate for your finances. It offers lenders a quick and simple way to gauge your overall financial health. One of the key differences is that a credit score can never be too high! A clear score doesn’t necessarily represent a perfect credit rating (which will generally range from 0 to either 1,000 or 1,200 in Australia depending on the credit bureau calculating it.) But chances are a clear score means you…

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