Is postpaid mobile worth risking your credit score?

Black marks on your credit score can come from many sources. Mortgages and bankruptcies might be what most people think of, but it’s important to understand the everyday things that can impact your credit rating – such as your mobile phone use. When the Australian…

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You say you want a resolution?

For most of us, the New Year is a popular time to set personal goals and look back on the what we’ve achieved in the last 12 months. But with all the goodwill in the world, it can be hard to turn resolutions into results.…

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How do I know if I have a bad credit score?

Is 600 a bad credit rating? How about 500? Or 400? Without context, calculating your creditworthiness based on your score alone is difficult. Fortunately, we’re here to help you better understand your credit rating, particularly if you suspect you have a bad score. Repayment history…

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Where can I get my credit report?

Where can I get my credit report? Keeping tabs on your credit score is crucial if you have hopes of funding some of life’s biggest purchases, such as a house or car. But what about your credit report? If you’re not sure of the difference,…

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The 2016 Census results are in: How do we look?

Census 2016 made its fair share of headlines. From #Censusfail, to the ensuing Senate Committee hearings, to the thousand and one think pieces breaking down everything that happened – more people probably talked about the Census itself than actually participated. But on June 27 this…

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