What are neobanks and how are they different?

The term ‘neobank’ refers to a new crop of financial institutions that has been sprouting up throughout Australia and the rest of the world since at least 2017. What makes these banks different from traditional banks is that they have been reimagined from the ground…

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Here’s what a credit report actually looks like

If you’ve ever wondered what your credit report looks like, wonder no more. This guide will give you insight into your credit report, including what information it contains, how to read it, and why it’s so important. There are three main credit reporting bureaus in…

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7 ways to save money this holiday season

Here are a few tips to help you ring in the new decade with as little debt as possible. 1. Reconsider whom you need to shop for At different points in our lives, it makes sense to shop for certain people and not for others.…

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How to fix your credit score in 5 easy steps

Now that Australian banks are including positive credit behaviours in their reports to the credit bureaus, it’s much easier than it used to be to fix your credit score. So even if a few late payments or even a default knocked you back a few…

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How to compare home loans

Want a more efficient and effective way to compare home loans? Just follow these steps: 1) Identify the non-negotiable features you need. Google those features and shortlist the banks that offer them. Forget about the others, as there’s no reason to spend time of offers…

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What is a good credit score in Australia?

What is a good credit score in Australia? Your credit score, which is sometimes referred to as your credit rating, will generally range from 0 to either 1,000 or 1,200 depending on the credit bureau calculating it. In all cases, the higher the score, the…

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Home loan fees you may encounter

Most home loans come with their share of fees. Don’t fret over the length of this list, as you probably won’t be subject to all of them. You may even be able to convince your lender to nix a few. It’s also not an exhaustive…

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The information provided on the Credit Simple website is general in nature and does not constitute personal financial advice. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decisions, it is important for you to consider your personal situation and seek appropriate tax, legal and other professional advice.