Consumer watchdog sets its sights on the home loan industry

The Federal Government has just directed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to launch an inquiry into home loan pricing, to find out what’s holding consumers back from pursuing better offers. The inquiry seeks to answer the following questions: How exactly do lenders make…

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Six million homeowners could get a better mortgage

Up to 6 million Australians could save up to $40,000 over the life of an average 25-year mortgage, following the introduction of new laws by the Australian Government, according to consumer advocate group The introduction of Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) means Australian banks are…

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How to find the best home loan for your needs

Of course you want a home loan with low interest rates, minimal fees and an offset account that lets you deduct 100% of the balance from the amount owed. But other than that, the definition of the “best” loan varies based on your personal circumstances.…

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3 steps to instant savings

There’s a lot that you can do to make big savings, and sometimes, it’s the little things that can make a big difference. You can make significant savings by doing these 3 things right now: Calculate your weekly income Calculate your weekly spend Automate your…

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The right way to apply for a credit card

If you’ve thought long and hard about your need to get a credit card, and have narrowed down your options after an exhaustive comparison of rates, fees and perks, then the next step in the process of getting a credit card is to actually apply…

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