What exactly is in your credit file?

Australians are making credit card purchases now more than ever. In 2017, there were over 16 million credit cards in Australia, and Australians spent a total of $315.6 billion using credit cards. Needless to say, credit is a popular topic. However, it’s also something many…

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How to: be more disciplined with credit cards

If you’re considering opening a new credit card, you may worry you’ll overspend and get yourself into trouble. And understandably so – the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that the average household debt in Australia is $168,600, and the most common form of debt is…

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Why did my score decrease?

Have you noticed a dip in your credit score? This could mean many different things. The amount of credit you have, the age of your credit or any altered credit limits could all make your score go down. Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) changes in Australia…

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Four saving strategies for spring and summer

As the winter months come to an end in Australia, you’re probably antsy to get out in the warmer weather. But getting out more could also mean increased spending. If you’re trying to figure out how to save this spring and summer, easy ways to…

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How long is information held on my credit file?

Following the introduction of comprehensive credit reporting, both positive and negative listings are recorded by credit providers. However, it is the negative listings such as bankruptcies and overdue accounts that will be listed on your file for longer and impact your ability to access credit.…

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How to milk those rewards points

People can be suckers for rewards points, going out of their way to get a few extra clicks. But you’ve got to be careful to get the most out of the rewards points in the best way. It’s not just rewards points credit cards to be…

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The information provided on the Credit Simple website is general in nature and does not constitute personal financial advice. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decisions, it is important for you to consider your personal situation and seek appropriate tax, legal and other professional advice.